Want to know what jobs are in demand, who’s hiring, or how many people are actively looking for work? WDBCO has premiered a new Workforce Data Dashboard at wdbco.org offering extensive workforce data that can be easily accessed. The dashboard project, led by WDBCO Policy and Performance Manager Kier Scott with support from summer intern Geno Hoffman, includes 9 different interactive charts.
“My favorite chart is the Commuting Patterns bar graph. This graphic is so versatile in what it can present. For one, it can show which ZIP code has the greatest number of jobs in Central Ohio, which can be important for job seekers to see where a greater number of jobs are located,” said Geno Hoffman, architect of much of the data dashboard. “Most importantly, it shows just how many people are commuting from one ZIP code to another, indicating where the workforce is working versus where they live, potentially showing patterns for which ZIP codes rely the most on talent from outside their designated area.”
Data is crucial for workforce planning because it provides organizations with valuable insights to make informed decisions about their workforce needs and strategies. The visual representation of information, metrics, and data points provides users with a consolidated and easy-to-understand overview of key information, workforce statistics, and trends.
Geno continued, “When looking at the data to date, what stands out to me is the high demand for Registered Nurses in Central Ohio. In addition to this occupation’s high number of average monthly job postings the demand for entry-level nurses is also extremely high, with over 450 average monthly job postings from June 2022 to June 2023 for people who have 0 to 5 years of experience to fill these roles. Clearly, Registered Nursing is an extremely compelling career path for young individuals especially when looking at the median annual earnings of over $99,000.”
Data provides the foundation for effective and strategic workforce planning. This new tool will provide local businesses, organizations, and individuals with a snapshot of what is happening in the local economy. View and explore WDBCO data dashboards here.
For press inquiries please contact:
Andrew Campbell, Director of Communications, WDBCO E: acampbell@wdbco.org P: 614.559.5068