
Find your next great career opportunity

at our Employer Job Match and Apprenticeship Showcase!

Join us on November 9th from 9:30AM – 2:00PM at the Columbus Main Library for an opportunity to meet great Central Ohio employers who are looking for talent just like you to fill a variety of positions including apprenticeships! Ready to get started?


Veterans receive priority service at this event! Register below to learn more.

Advance registration, sign up early for a guaranteed spot.

Collaboration, human resources and training with a business black woman talking to her manager or supervisor at work. Teamwork, meeting and management with a man and female employee in the office.

Registered for the event and want to elevate your experience? A Job Matching Session can help connect you to employers in advance. During the session you will work with OMJCFC Recruiters to identify the positions and employers that are the best match for you!

Want to attend one of our Job Matching Sessions? Registration information for our Job Match Sessions will be included in your registration confirmation email. Click the link in the confirmation email and select your time to connect with a Recruiter.

Want additional information about our Job Matching Sessions? Have all your questions answered by emailing us at Recruiter@OMJCFC.org or calling (614) 559-5052 and ask to speak to a Recruiter.

Partial List of Participating Employers


MSC Industrial Supply

CST Utilities

The City of Columbus Police

OSU Wexner Medical Center

Nationwide Children's Hospital

Mount Carmel

YMCA (Woodland)

First Commonwealth Bank


Allied Universal



180 Demo


Hollywood Casino

Kemba Financial

Columbus Department of Public Safety

XPO Logistics

Lapham Hickey Steel

Ease Logistics

Corna Kokosing


Compassionate Care

Central Ohio Primary Care

Cardinal Health


Horton Emergency Vehicles

U.S. Army


IKORCC Carpenters Union

Ohio Restaurant Association Education Foundation

Superior Die Tools, LLC

The Waterworks

Employer and Apprenticeship programs,
we invite you to participate!

Employer participation information and registration due by November 3, 2023.
Contact: recruiter@omjcfc.org

Apprenticeship program information and registration due by November 3, 2023.
Contact: Jessica Weithman  jweithman@wdbco.org